Good Teachers Engage
Good students learn

Truth about lies

Teaching is the most important and the most difficult career in the entire world. Unfortunately, that is neither recognized or acknowledged.

All professional teachers who are competent are essentially similar in the result they seek to achieve and in the manner in which they deploy their skills. Styles and abilities obviously differ, but if they exercise the constant will to learn, grow and adapt, they will undoubtedly be successful teachers.

To be brief, the role of the teacher includes controller. director, manager, facilitator and resource.

Above all however, the teacher is a facilitator, as described in the book, "Teaching by Principles; An Interractive Approach to Language Pedagogy, second edition, copyright 2001."

"The Teacher as Facilitator; A less directive role might be described as fascilitating the process of learning, of making learning easier for students; helping them to clear away roadblocks, to find shortcuts, to negotiate rough terrain. The facilitating role requires that you step away from the managerial or directive role and allow students, with your guidance and gentle prodding to find their own pathways to success.

A facilitator capitilizes on the principle of intrinsic motivation by allowing students to discover language through using it pragmatically rather than by telling them about language."

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